It’s A Dirty Job, but Someone Has to Do It!

The least glamorous of all of the rooms…. the laundry room.  We spend more time in there than we’d like, but hey, the laundry doesn’t do itself! 

Laundry rooms have come a long way from the sad, tucked away rooms that many of us grew up with.  They can be more than places to clean clothes.  They can be fun, inviting places for activities such as caring for pets, sewing, doing DIY projects, wrapping packages, gardening and more.

If you plan to revamp your laundry room, it’s worth taking the time to make it as functional and efficient as possible.  Consider some of these tips:

Sink and Counter Top Space

Having a sink in the laundry room makes a lot of sense.  They are great for hand-washing items, soaking, mopping, post-project clean- up, and more.  Plan to have plenty of counter top space close to the sink for set down, sorting, folding, crafting, gardening, and other work tasks.  Space was at a premium in this laundry so the counter top was too shallow for a regular sink and faucet. We used a stainless steel farmhouse sink and a wall mounted faucet to save space.


Adding a counter top over a side-by-side washer and dryer puts wasted space to work.

Allan Clarke Architecture

Allan Clarke Architecture

Drying Racks

Trying to prolong the life of that favorite t-shirt, protect the investment in that overpriced work out wear (you know the one we mean), or care for your unmentionables? Don’t put them in the dryer!  There are plenty of wall mounted drying racks on the market to help add valuable space.


Photo: Ballard Designs

Photo: Ballard Designs


You can never have too much storage space in the laundry room. Ever.  If you are the kind of person who needs some visual peace, hide everything away in cabinets.  If you like items close at hand and in plain sight, consider open shelving or cubbies.  Maybe it makes sense to have a combination of both?  So, plan to add storage above sinks, counter tops, washers/dryers, benches etc. Drawers below and cubbies and cabinets above maximize the organization of this laundry/mudroom.



Fresh and clean are two vibes everyone wants in a laundry room.  A light, bright, color scheme and easy-to-care for surfaces will go a long way to achieve this.  There’s nothing better than sparkling white with pops of fresh color help to you get that “just laundered” feeling.


If you are thinking of making changes in your laundry room, have a great plan in place before getting to work.  Space planning, drawings, correct finish and product selections save time, money and headaches…. not to mention giving you a space that makes you almost happy to do laundry.